
Generate Subtitles for Music Audio.

Create LRC, SRT, VTT, & TTML files Online.

Experience flawless lyric synchronization with LyricSyncOnline, guaranteeing precision in subtitle timing. Elevate your media accessibility and engagement through seamless online subtitle generation. Enhance your audio content effortlessly—create subtitles online with LyricSyncOnline today.

1Add Lyrics (Plain Text) Next
2Upload Audio File Next

Select the audio file you want to synchronize the lyrics with,
Supported Audio File Formats and Supported Web Browsers

Easily synchronize & generate lyrics online for the following formats,

3Enter Song Information Next

How to use LyricSyncOnline,

How to use LyricSyncOnline tool to generate lyrics How to use LyricSyncOnline tool to generate lyrics

Introducing our online subtitle creator/generator! This online tool serves as an LRC/SRT generator, allowing you to input song lyrics in plain text, upload the corresponding audio, and synchronize the lyrics line by line while listening to generate the subtitle file.

Tool will help you to sync and generate lyrics/subtitles in multiple formats,
LRC (Lyric)     ,
SRT (SubRip)     ,
VTT (WebVTT)     ,
TTML (Timed Text Markup Language)     

Rest assured, no local files are stored, no software installed on your computer ot smartphone, and no browser cookies are retained. The application offers versatility by creating .lrc, .srt, vtt, and ttml files according to your preference, all designed to enhance the synchronization of lyrics with your music when used by various music players.